Monday, 3 August 2015

Philippine Standards on Auditing versus Revenue Audit Memorandum Order

EmelinoTMaestro (ETM) can't control himself whenever a GOOD NEWS comes out. Attached is a letter coming from a Revenue District Officer (RDO) strongly emphasising the need to use a uniform audit standards and procedures in examining a taxpayer's books of accounts and other accounting records. PLEASE HELP AND ASSIST ETM to spread it to others so that other taxpayers may have a fighting chance in reducing their taxes and saving their hard earned money. REMEMBER THAT THE PURPOSE OF THIS EXPOSURE IS TO GUIDE TAXPAYERS TO AN ENJOYABLE LIFE.
There will be a TAX ACCOUNTING SEMINAR WORKSHOP in September 2015, 40 copies of RAMO will be raffled off. The information therein may save you hundreds of thousand pesos, if not millions of the same, and most importantly, will give you the satisfaction that you have avoided the selling of your integrity.
Thank you for sharing this post to your Facebook, Tweeter and Instagram accounts. More power to all transparent and honest taxpayers. This offer is valid while the supply lasts.
8-3-2015; 2.16 pm