Available. Apply Now. Class Starts in January 2015
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Tax Accounting Literacy Program
1. Financial Accounting
2. Managerial Accounting
3. Tax Accounting
4. Registration
5. Retirement
6. Value Added Tax Accounting
7. Income Tax Accounting
8. Withholding Tax Accounting
9. Returns and Statements Consolidation
10. Audit Trail and Working Papers
11. VAT Summary Lists
12. Expenses and Allowable Deductions
13. Concept of Documentary Evidences
14. Books of Accounts and Bookkeeping Proceedures
15. many more
Tax Consulting Course
1. electronic Letter of Authority
2. Tax Evasion
3. Letter Notice
4. Subpoena Duces Tecum
5. Tax Mapping
6. Inventory Taking
7. Oplan Kandado
8. Abatement and Compromise
9. Benchmarking
10. Complaint Against Revenue Officer
11. Preliminary/Final Collection Notice
12. Deficiencies, Assessment and Findings
13. Delinquencies
14. Business Letter and Technical Writing
15. many more
To register, please email name, mobile and email address and other helpful details @ 09989793922@MaestroTaxation.org, so that if you're acceptable, you'll be receiving an email from EmelinoTMaestro.com
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