1. The opportunity to be a wealthy and richer person by way of owning a successful business enterprise should not be restrained and must be encouraged and supported at all time.
2. Having been said, Emelino T Maestro is embarking into a new endeavour where no franchise owner and businessperson had ever ventured before that is giving opportunity to all the employees of small and medium enterprises and other interested taxpayers to have and run their own businesses.
3. Anyone can be a franchisee of EMELINOTMAESTRO. TAX-ACCOUNTING BOOKKEEPERS (ETM:TAB). However, ETM reserves the right to deny any person to secure this ETM-TAB Franchise without giving any reason or justification.
4. Although many franchise owners require an applicant-franchisee to cash out millions or thousands of hard-earned money, just to secure their 'approval', rent or buy a store, train the managers and employees and stock and store so many inventories, ETM doesn't require any franchise fee.

6. The accounting industry is a three hundred billion peso industry and it still grows. The graft and corruption money from the BIR audit and examination had reached fifteen billion pesos annually (eLA). Using these figures as a spring board, the opportunity to be a successful entrepreneur in the field of taxation is a brighter and achievable future. What you need is a mentor or a coach who will help you plan your next business moves and teach you all the relevant tools that will ensure your success and reach your destination. If you want a relevant proof or a success story, then look no further because ETM is the living evidence. He wants you to be successful by way of avoiding his mistakes and taking no shortcuts to success.
4. You agree to follow and strictly obey the rules, orders, instructions and decisions of ETM and his assigned staff from ETM Tax Agent Office (ETM-TAO), Inc.
5. You conceded and adopted that the rules, orders, instructions and decisions of ETM and his assigned staff are superior to the rule, order, instruction and decision of any person who may challenge the same rule, order, instruction and decision.
6. You acknowledged that you don't have an exclusive rights in given area and what you are getting from Emelino T Maestro is non exclusive permit to use his business style and bookkeeping operations. Thus, anytime, without any reason, prior notice and obligation, your privilege to hold and use 'the franchise and its accessories' may be cancelled or taken away from you. Also, this agreement may be rescinded at the moment of either a verbal advise is given or a written notice had been sent or emailed to you.
7. a website
8. a signage
9. a marketing tool
10. a selling plan
11. a training
12. a blog account
13. a Facebook account
14. a bunch of flyers
15. a signed commitment showing the above provisions
16. others to be said/written
Emelino T Maestro
Unit 419 Corporate 101
Mother Ignacia, Quezon City 1103
0998 979 3922
0922 801 0922
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