Saturday, 25 February 2017

Second Opinion Platform by EmelinoTMaestro

Subject: Second Opinion Platform
Dear Juliet,
Second Opinion is so important nowadays.
Even the most competent and celebrated professionals will strongly recommend to a cancer patient that a second medical examination must be conducted in order to conclude with certainty and precision that the problem is, indeed, the cancer and not the patient.
In the Philippine taxation, the disease of having been examined yearly and getting an unbelievable BIR deficiency assessments is too common, so precise and truly predictable.
It cannot be taken lightly the advises, solutions, comments, suggestions and opinions of your relatives, friends, employees, favourite lawyers, priests and accountants, and other government officials. Your 'Thank you note' and personal consideration about such are equally important and proper.
However, a SECOND OPINION from an organisation having a 30-year experience and expertise in taxation is so important nowadays, and a MUST in order to conclude with certainty and precision that all the relevant solutions have been considered intelligently and seriously and the best of which had been chosen to bring the predictable success on time.
Having said so, ETM Tax Agent Office (ETM-TAO), Inc. is raising its hand to render a relevant SECOND OPINION to your tax problems for a certain fee. Hence, should you desire to seek for it within the month of May 2017, your first two (2) questions shall be on-the-house while in excess thereof, you will be guaranteed that it shall shelve in half its professional fee for such month of Feasts.
Should you have friends, suppliers, clients or other acquaintances needing a SECOND OPINION about their taxation problems, feel free to share this proposal to them so that they will also experience the peace of mind and serenity that ETM-TAO's clients had experienced.
Please remember that your peace of mind is a priceless possession.
Thank you and more power to your business and organisation.
Tax Accounting Guru
February 24, 2017

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