Saving All the Taxes for You: Up to 90% Deduction from Tax Dues (Register Now. Attend Later)
🔴Do you know that you can save up to 90% of your tax dues?
😍Double dare yourself to understand its simple techniques.
FOR THE FIRST TIME, the legal and proven techniques and hidden secrets
😎of reducing Mayor's local taxes and BIR's value added tax and income tax shall be revealed on November 22, 2017 at Luxent Hotel, QC. Come one. Come all. 'SAVING ALL THE TAXES FOR YOU' Up to 90% Deduction From Tax Dues on Nov 22, 2017, Luxent Hotel, Quezon City
🤣(1) On or before Oct 14, 2017 via the video 'BIR Seal of Honesty', you pay only 999 pesos plus VAT and get a FREE TAX CODE (worth P2,500 pesos) and 300 WDollars which can be used to purchase the services of Emelino T Maestro, ETM Tax Agent Office and ETM accredited Tax Bookkeepers but your payment should be made on or before October 21, 2017
😁(2) Between Oct 15 up to 25, 2017 via the video 'Tax Mapping for Beginners', you pay only 1,999 pesos plus VAT and get a FREE TAX CODE (worth P2,500 pesos) and 200 WDollars which can be used to purchase the services of Emelino T Maestro, ETM Tax Agent Office and ETM accredited Tax Bookkeepers but your payment should be made on or before October 31, 2017
😎(3) Between Oct 25 up to Nov 4, 2017 via the video 'Validity of Defense: Bank Secrecy Law [?], you should pay only 2,999 pesos plus VAT and get a FREE TAX CODE (worth P2,500 pesos) and 100 WDollars which can be used to purchase the services of Emelino T Maestro, ETM Tax Agent Office and ETM accredited Tax Bookkeepers but your payment should be made on or before November 10, 2017
😀(4) Between Nov 4 up to 15, 2017, you should pay only 3,999 pesos plus VAT and get a FREE TAX CODE (worth P2,500 pesos) and WITHOUT a WDollar but your payment should be made on or before November 21, 2017
📒(5) ALL WALK INS SHALL PAY 4,999 pesos without a FREE TAX CODE AND a WDollar
🎵CONVERSION RATE OF WDOLLAR TO PHILIPPINE PESO IS THE EXCHANGE RATE OF THE USDOLLAR TO PHILIPPINE PESOS. Its value increases when the value of USDollar to the Philippine Peso increases and its value decreases when the value of USDollar to the Philippine Peso decreases
*Subject to change without prior notice and obligation
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