Vision: Reclaiming Back the Integrity and Competency of CPAs
For your convenience, Tax Accounting Guru, www.emelinotmaestro.com, is supplying you the penalty to be imposed to all CPAs who knowingly issued 'Audited Financial Statements' without disclosing therein that his output is based not on the accounting entries stated in your books of accounts. Please click the 'PENALTY FOR CPAs' in order to LEARN MORE.
It is nice to remember that the BIR is now going after CPAs who maliciously violating provisions of the National Internal Revenue Code.
Empty Future for NEWLY PASSED CPAs?
It's truly, truly believed that the big and powerful auditing and accounting firms are having problem in attracting newly passed CPAs to be their servant-employee whose duty is to do the difficult, dirty and dangerous assignments. In order to answer their problem, they've persuaded the Philippine Government to pass and implement a law that restricts a newly passed CPA to immediately practice his profession. All newly passed CPAs must show proof that HE HAS ACQUIRED THREE (3) YEARS OF MEANINGFUL EXPERIENCE IN ANY OF THE AREAS OF PUBLIC PRACTICE INCLUDING TAXATION in order to be allowed by the Board of Accountancy whose key officials are backed up and recommended by the big and powerful auditing and accounting firms to practice his profession. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk.

Three (3) years?
36 months?
156 weeks?
1095 days?
26,280 hours?
1,576,800 minutes?
94,608,000 seconds?
If you need help and assistance in getting the so-called 'MEANINGFUL EXPERIENCE', please register now for an ORIENTATION SEMINAR entitled 'EARNING THE REQUIRED MEANINGFUL EXPERIENCES FOR CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTS'. Send your LETTER OF INTENT TO GO@TAXACCOUNTINGGURU.COM Please click 'Today's Important News' for contact details.
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