It's truly, truly believed that the big and powerful auditing and accounting firms are having problem in attracting newly passed CPAs to be their servant-employee whose duty is to do the difficult, dirty and dangerous assignments. In order to answer their problem, they've persuaded the Philippine Government to pass and implement a law that restricts a newly passed CPA to immediately practice his profession. All newly passed CPAs must show proof that HE HAS ACQUIRED THREE (3) YEARS OF MEANINGFUL EXPERIENCE IN ANY OF THE AREAS OF PUBLIC PRACTICE INCLUDING TAXATION in order to be allowed by the Board of Accountancy whose key officials are backed up and recommended by the big and powerful auditing and accounting firms to practice his profession. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Although the said law may truly be unconstitutional for it's a restraint of trade and practice of profession, a legendary hero from the ranks of the newly passed CPAs is needed to challenge it in the Court of Law.

Three (3) years?
36 months?
156 weeks?
1095 days?
26,280 hours?
1,576,800 minutes?
94,608,000 seconds?
Please click 'Today's Important News' for contact details.
If you’re interested for an ORIENTATION IN GAINING A MEANINGFUL EXPERIENCE and willing to learn more, click 'REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS'.
Things to be discussed in the actual course.....
1. Marketing your CPA services without violating the CPA's Code of Ethics and most importantly, the law that restricts you to practice your CPA-profession
2. Designing an appealing engagement letter
3. Understanding the unusual bookkeeping styles that your potential clients/employers are employing
4. What are the relevant and admissible forms
5. What are the fundamentals of tax basis financial audit
6. What are the initial audit approaches and techniques
7. How to prepare working papers that will stand the BIR/judicial scrutiny
8. How to develop and make a powerful audit report
9. How to conduct and conclude an audit-closing conference
10. How to organise and consolidate audit findings into a tax-basis financial statements
Per pax, the regular rate is 5,000 pesos while the early bird rate is just 1,500 pesos. However, if you'll bring a least two (2) of your many friends, you're entitled to a VIP rate of 500 pesos. Furthermore, if you will bring more friends, you will earn, in excess of two (2) your friends, 10% of the gross receipt (net of applicable taxes) collected therefrom. Finally, you friends can also avail of the VIP rate.
TO GAIN A MEANINGFUL EXPERIENCE, SHARE YOUR KNOWLEDGE... Surely, you will gain friends, get respect from clients, position yourself as a COMPETENT AND RELIABLE CPA. Thus, more than that, you may acquire the required 'KNOWHOW' because KNOWLEDGE CAN GIVE YOU IDEA WHILE KNOWHOW IS YOUR TICKET TO MAKE MORE AND MORE MONEY.
Important: Subject to (1) change without notice and obligation and (2) all the applicable terms and conditions. By sending your email to, you knowingly and unconditionally agreed and adopted ETM's instructions, decisions and resolutions.
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